34.040.21157 / Wheel bearing
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SKF VKHB2225 0
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Product code 34.040.21157
Product group Suspension parts
Description Wheel bearing
Unit Pc
34.040.21157 / 
                          Wheel bearing
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Product code 34.040.21157
Product group Suspension parts
Description Wheel bearing
Unit Pc

Possible next day delivery to Riga by special order:

Mark Product code Description On partner stock
33217/MGK LOZYSKO 33217 MGK 1.00

The order of goods for the next day is carried out before 15:50 of the current day. The ordered goods are delivered to the OLDI central warehouse (Piedrujas street 30, Riga) until 11:00 the next day. If further delivery is required, it is carried out by agreement with the manager of the company (for registered users, the manager's contacts are indicated at the bottom of the page).

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Possible next day delivery to Riga by special order:

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On partner stock

The order of goods for the next day is carried out before 15:50 of the current day. The ordered goods are delivered to the OLDI central warehouse (Piedrujas street 30, Riga) until 11:00 the next day. If further delivery is required, it is carried out by agreement with the manager of the company (for registered users, the manager's contacts are indicated at the bottom of the page).

DENIAL OF RESPONSIBILITY The www.oldi.net website is owned by OLDI & Co SIA. All publications on the site www.oldi.net are informative. When reprinting, quoting or otherwise using the materials and materials of the site, a link to it is required. OLDI & Co SIA does not bear any responsibility if, based on the information found on the site, material or other losses have occurred.

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